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When Lena Dunham sun-bathed on a balcony, thick thighs spread wide, her pussy saluting the sun on an episode of ‘Girls‘…that was a picture of freedom.

The freedom I wanted in on.

Freedom is breaking contracts binding us to one another.

Independence is sunbathing my pussy. 

Despite what I share I have no autonomy over my body

What’s inside and what’s outside.

I’m easy to admire. But, still I am not free.

But, only to men who seek to censor my vessel and command, I lower my voice. 

How dangerous a woman like me can be?

Fearful of their disintegration. 

I dream of leveling them to dust.

So I can sunbathe my pussy in peace

Free to be who I am. 

Fear not the revolution. Nor fighting naked on America’s Independence Day. 

Women don’t need guns to bring their captors to their knees.

Open your legs. 

Open your mouths. 

Open your minds.

There is no freedom. No independence. 

Not today. 

But, heed the sun charged pussy. The full moon charged woman. 

The witches working spells and the sirens resting their voices.

All Hallows Eve is on the way.

So, enjoy your phallic foods and meats and enjoyment of making innocent familiars freak the fuck out because you have unchecked pyro tendencies while you ignore that black women are most affected by SCOTUS ruling and Latinx women and children are stuck in cages, while children are being killed in schools…

Fuck the 4th

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